After taking the month of January off with zero guilt, I feel refreshed and ready restart my blogging. This year, I selected the word “OPEN” to guide me through 2020 — this is a practice that Susannah Conway has so graciously shared with the world, and I highly recommend her “Find Your Word” practice. This year I will be open to the possibilities, especially because I am awaiting seven more PhD application decisions. Unfortunately, I have received three rejections to date, but I am open to reapplying for the Fall 2021 semester should this year not be destined.
I’m instructing three composition courses this semester, and we are wrapping up the fourth week of classes. I can firmly state that I have found my calling, and I wouldn’t mind remaining out of school to continue instructing at the adjunct level for an additional year. The purpose of the PhD is simply to create a stronger argument for tenure and benefits, after all. I have zero doubts that the Fall 2020 semester will be positive regardless of my status.
Here’s to another productive week!